Things to do after install Ubuntu Server

Install SSH

$ sudo apt update $ sudo apt upgrade $ sudo apt install openssh-server $ sudo systemctl enable ssh

Create an authorized keys file

$ sudo touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Copy over client pub file over and put it into the authorized keys file

$ sudo cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Then install webmin – How to install webmin

Webserver Section

$ sudo apt install tasksel
$ sudo tasksel install lamp-server
$ sudo apt install php-curl php-gd php-mbstring php-xml php-xmlrpc

More read this – Step by step how to setup Web server

Beside web server, you can run many server services using Linux, and most of the software on Linux is open source, which means if you need a software, you can issue a command to get the software, and you will up and running in 5 mins. For example, I need an openVPN server just follow the following steps.

OpenVPN install script – Github repo

$ cd ~ $ sudo curl -O $ sudo chmod +x $ sudo ./

Follow the steps and you will have an openVPN server running.

To change the server hostname

$ sudo hostnamectl set-hostname newname

Edit this conf file

$ sudo nano /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg

preserve_hostname: false
preserve_hostname: true

Encryption off for VNC server connect with windows machine locally

$ sudo gsettings set org.gnome.Vino require-encryption false

Install dcong-tools

$ sudo apt-get install dconf-tools
go to org->gnome->desktop->remote-accessand toggle the require-encryption to disable encryption

Glances monitor tool

$ curl -L | sudo /bin/bash


$ wget -O- | sudo /bin/bash

Manual Installation

$ sudo apt-get install python-pip build-essential python-dev lm-sensors $ sudo pip install psutil logutils bottle batinfo zeroconf netifaces pymdstat influxdb elasticsearch potsdb statsd pystache docker-py pysnmp pika py-cpuinfo bernhard $ sudo pip install glances

When Glances is running, you can press some special keys to give commands to it:

c: Sort processes by CPU%  
m: Sort processes by MEM%  
p: Sort processes by name  
i: Sort processes by IO Rate  
d: Show/hide disk I/O stats  
f: Show/hide file system stats  
n: Show/hide network stats  
s: Show/hide sensors stats  
b: Bit/s or Byte/s for network IO  
w: Delete warning logs  
x: Delete warning and critical logs  
1: Global CPU or Per Core stats  
h: Show/hide this help message  
q: Quit (Esc and Ctrl-C also work)  
l: Show/hide log messages

Ubuntu Desktop Quick Look

sudo apt install gnome-sushi

Use .htaccess file to limite access

order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from IP.IP.IP.IP

Show date on gnome top bar

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface clock-show-date true
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface clock-show-seconds true

or use dconf-editor

sudo apt install dconf-editor

Show system version

$ lsb_release -a