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VS Code php executablePath error Introduction If you are a web developer working on a Mac OS X system and using Visual Studio Code (VS Code) for PHP code debugging, you may have encountered the ‘executablePath’ error. This error occurs…
from this GitHub repo
Digital Namecard The digital namecard is my first React project, I’ve discover vite while learning react. airbnb Clone This project is to practice how to use CSS to style react component. Math Quiz This project I build for my son…
Go to the Raspberry Pi official website and download the Pi Imager. Download and install the Pi Imager on your computer and run the App.
First update pip Then install pytube On mac system there is an SSL Certificate error, navigate to your Python folder and run the following command to install the Certificate Finally you can use pytube to downlaod YouTube videos.
Invoice ninja is an open source invoicing system, five years ago I switch to it because my hosting company allow me to install it via cPanel package manager, but recently my hosting switch the backend management tool, invoice ninja no…
When the header is sticky on top, the logo shink for more viewing space For mobile view when scroll You can view it live on this page If you like the design, I will apply it across the entire site.
Extension Cobalt2 Theme Official Docker Highlight Line Jupyter Live Sass Compiler Live Server Pylance Python Remote – Containers markdownlint EditorConfig for VS Code Git History Git Project Manager GitLens – Git supercharged Kubernetes Vim Bridge to Kubernetes Adding code to…