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List quem machine List container machine pct commands Perl warning ⚠️ quem commands Access VM via VNC directly edit the VNC config file
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Install python Check does you have python install, open up Terminal and use the following command to check if the output gives you a version number then you have python installed if you get command not found, go to python…
Digital Namecard The digital namecard is my first React project, I’ve discover vite while learning react. airbnb Clone This project is to practice how to use CSS to style react component. Math Quiz This project I build for my son…
Go to the Raspberry Pi official website and download the Pi Imager. Download and install the Pi Imager on your computer and run the App.
For Ubuntu screen sharing it default require encryption, that’s why I cannot connect through VPN client on my iPhone, here is how to setup screen sharing and disable the encryption requirement. Open up Settings, navigate to Sharing option 2. Enable…
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