Tag docker

How to Use Docker + Webtop to Secure Your Online Activities

How to Use Docker + Webtop to Secure Your Online Activities
step-by-step guide on how to use Docker + Webtop to secure your online activities. Docker is a platform that allows you to create, deploy, and run applications in containers, while Webtop is a web-based desktop environment that provides a secure and isolated environment for your online activities. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can use Docker + Webtop to protect your privacy and security while browsing the web and using online services.

Run docker with sudoer group in Synology

SSH into your Synology box Create a docker user group (sudo synogroup –add docker) Change the owner group of the docker.sock file (sudo chown root:docker ) Add your user to the new docker group (sudo synogroup –member docker $USER)

Docker – get start guide

I’ve discover the love for python language, I’ve tried django route but I think is too complicated for beginning of programming python, then I’ve discover flask, is much simpleper to develop small apps quickly, I’ve try to develop simple app…

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How to Use Docker + Webtop to Secure Your Online Activities