Tag server
Proxmox Server command list
List quem machine List container machine pct commands Perl warning ⚠️ quem commands Access VM via VNC directly edit the VNC config file
Step by step how to setup Web server
Preface I like to build my own virtual machine for local developing my WordPress sites, using this way I can run the virtual machine under any operating system.You can also try XAMPP or local by flywheelbut building my own VMs is more stable,…
Ubuntu 18.04 stuck on booting screen
Press ctrl + alt + F2 or F3 or F4 or F5 or F6 use tty to loginor use ssh remote login Take ownership of your home directory Install lightdm desktop manager
Things to do after install Ubuntu Server
Install SSH $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt upgrade $ sudo apt install openssh-server $ sudo systemctl enable ssh Create an authorized keys file Copy over client pub file over and put it into the authorized keys file Then…