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articles about containerization and deployment
Powerful PDF Tools
docker-compose.yml file
Here is my steps to copy my app to testing server and package it ready for production. My Flask app
SSH into your Synology box Create a docker user group (sudo synogroup –add docker) Change the owner group of the docker.sock file (sudo chown root:docker ) Add your user to the new docker group (sudo synogroup –member docker $USER)
Invoice ninja is an open source invoicing system, five years ago I switch to it because my hosting company allow me to install it via cPanel package manager, but recently my hosting switch the backend management tool, invoice ninja no…
Download Ubuntu Server ARM edition Download VMWare for M1 MacOS Create the VM Install the server with SSH enable Install docker Generate keys Copy the key to the server Turn off Password Authentication Edit the following lines…
First you need to install docker package on your Synology NAS, and enable SSH and allow port 22 traffic on the firewall. and create a sub folder under docker folder for portainer to store its data. and the connect to…
1. Create a docker group 2. Add the connected user $USER to the docker group Optionally change the username to match your preferred user. 3. Restart the docker daemon